My life

5 Bizarre Weight Loss Tricks

Posted on: November 13, 2011

I was recently skimming through the news page on Yahoo and came across the this article entitled 5 Bizarre Weight Loss Tricks that Work. The title alone automatically caught my interest and I couldn’t resist but to read it.

As women sometimes we are so indulged in searching for new ways to loss weight and this article had tricks that I had never heard of before. We always want to find the easiest way to lose weight but often times find ourselves doing these crazy diets that are actually worse for you than better. This article doesn’t tell you to eliminate a certain food or eat so much of another, rather it tells you tricks to make your body and mind think certain things.

Here are what Readers Digest suggest are the 5 Bizarre Weight Loss Tricks:

  1. Sniff a banana,apple or peppermint:  Your probably thinking this is really strange and how does it work but Dr Alan R. Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation found that the more frequently people sniffed, the less hungry they were and the more weight they lost. People who did this lost an average of 30 lb each. One theory is that sniffing the food tricks the brain into thinking you’re actually eating it.
  2. Hang a mirror opposite to your seat at table: Nobody likes to watch themselves eat and a study found that eating in front of mirrors eliminates the amount people eat by nearly one-third. It suggested that having to look yourself reflects your own inner standards and goals, and reminds you of why you’re trying to lose weight in the first place.
  3. Surround yourself in blue: If you have ever noticed when your out, restaurants are never decorated in blue because the color is actually functions as an appetite suppressant. Most restaurants are covered in red,orange, or yellow because they are said to encourage eating.
  4. Shoot your food: Take pictures of your food and file them on your phone or computer. Looking back at the pictures may curb your intake of that food.
  5. Tie Yourself Up: French women use this technique when going out, they tie ribbon under their clothes to keep conscious on their stomach expanding throughout the night, if the ribbon gets tighter.

While all these techniques may sound really out of the ordinary, they have been known to work!

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